Saturday, April 16, 2016

Not-so-spoilers Ahead

Short little one-off: I saw Batman v Superman. Not gonna spoil too much, but I will talk about it a bit.
Personally: didn't really enjoy Man of Steel. Not the actors fault just didn't enjoy the story too much with all the flashbacks and such. And that opinion still applies to the Superman part of this film.

Ben made a great Batman, with the exception of the killing. Zach Synder said the reason he kills is cause he's not directly killing anyone (ex: strangling someone). If someone dies cause batman rammed a criminals car into a concrete wall, "Welp I didn't kill him, the wall did!" Thats BS and ya know it Bats. You killed them.

Not gonna spoil the reason the Blue Boy Scout and The Dark Knight stop fighting, but its really really dumb.

I couldn't see Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Maybe as Luthor's son or Jimmy Olsen. (I am aware Olsen was in the film for a short while).

Wonder Woman was great for the short bits she was in the film.

It was eh with a side of meh, but it was full of little Easter Eggs.

Really disappointed there wasn't a Red Hood Easter Egg or end credit scene


  1. After reading your Blogger, I start intrested in this film! Thanks.

  2. This pretty much sums up how I felt about it. Was it horrible? Not really, but it could have been so much better. They hyped it up so much that anything less than perfect was going to suck. It should have been called Justice League: The Prequel because that's all it was. And the Batman killing people was a little too much for me. Have the time, he just straight up directly murders people.

  3. I feel the same way, it was pretty good but could have been better. i hope Captain america civil war isnt the same case as this.

  4. I feel the same way, it was pretty good but could have been better. i hope Captain america civil war isnt the same case as this.

  5. Thank you for not completely spoiling this but thanks to bringing to light some issues.

  6. That movie was so great it was so accurate to the acurate lore of batman and when he killed those people i was like yes finally batman is cool now
    10/10 Must watch
